Monday, March 19, 2012

How to get free from depression?

There is just one thing that we have forgotten: how to laugh. We have simply forgotten the language of laughter, that's all. We have to learn it again, that's all. I believe no treatment is needed. One is overpowered by depression only when one keeps the consciousness in the lower level, on the very superficial level. If you are living too much on superficial level of consciousness then you are going to affected by all kind of madness.

Superficial layers of consciousness are always disturbed. But most of the humanity choose to live on the superficial level. There are ups and downs and waves on the surface. As you move towards the center, deeper and deeper there are no waves.  

If you get out of the superficial level and enter into deeper levels of consciousness or you may call it deeper awareness or higher mind then better thoughts have the power to influence, to drive away depression. Even when you reach just the highest fields of thoughts you will find depression vanish immediately into thin air.

To surrender to depression when things go wrong is the wrong way to face the depression. There must be some desire within you to overcome depression. Only this desire can revolt against the depression.  

To drive away the depression, don't feel antagonistic towards it, neither friendly nor opposed. Just take a simple note, as if it has nothing to do with you, "This is depression" and remain intact, remain untouched. There is no need to get influenced by it. Just remain watchful and alert. Just take a note, don't get depressed because of depression, just take a not, "This is depression" That's all you need to do. You will not believe, because you have learned to believe in complicated things, technical things. So it is very difficult to believe that just by noticing or taking a note your depression can vanish.

If it returns back then just take the note, "It is back", and it will go again.

Remember you are a watcher on the hill. You don't need to get identified with every emotion or thought. If you get identified with everything that is going into the mind then you will get mad. Then you will become a slave.You are not a slave, you are the master.

When you just take the note, you are not on the same level. You get detached. You created a distance from that thing which you call depression. Just take the note and leave the whole thing behind.

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