Sunday, March 18, 2012

How can the mind go beyond obstructions?

Have you ever watched your mind? Do you ever look inside your mind and see actually what is going on there? If you are alert and watchful and look inside your mind time to time then you will definitely know and understand the limitations and obstructions.

Without understanding a particular limitation we cannot go beyond it. Willpower is not the real answer. Do you know many people quit hundreds of time in their life. Now what is happening here? They are using their will power and not their understanding. If your kids are not listening to you then you use power, you try to dominate them. You pressurize them but it does not work. They will revolt, if not now then someday in the future. So we must understand the problem and this is the first step to go beyond any obstruction.

Answer is hidden in the question itself. It is not far away. Solution is hidden in the problem but one should know how to look at the problem without any prejudice. We never say here is a limitation, here is a problem in my life and I want to understand it. We rush for an instant solution. And I think this is the basic problem. We seek answers from others, we seek answers from books and authorities. We never look at our problems, we just want to get rid of them and then instant solutions become our real problems.

To understand any problem we have to look at them without any prejudice. We should never condemn them. We should not say this is right and this is wrong. You should just observe it without having any opinion or expectation. When you expect a solution you already moved into the future. Suppose you want to understand your child then there must be no condemnation. You just have to watch him in different moods. If you say he is good or bad then your mind is prejudiced. Then you will look at him through the wall of your personal opinions. You will not see him as he is. You will see him as you want to see him.

The same way you have to learn to look at your limitations, problems and obstacles - without any opinion, condemnation. Then you can easily go beyond your limitations.

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