Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why there is chaos in my life?

There are many contradictory forces working simultaneously in the being, pushing you here and there in opposite directions and that's why there is chaos in life. If you are little aware of the cause of your movements then you will be able to see them.

Suppose if you do something and you feel somewhere it is immoral, it is not ethical then your mind may become little uneasy, you will feel uncomfortable but the other part of the mind will come forward with an encouraging and flattering reason to justify yourself.

The people who live on the surface of their being are obviously exposed to the external influences. They are not familiar to stepping back. They don't know how to go deep within. The only place where you will be safe from external contradictory influences is deep within.

One should learn to always keep composure and always keep peace. One should resist all temptation to lose it. You should never decide anything without consulting your innermost being. Always consult with your inner being before you enter into action and you will never regrate again. Then there will be no contradictions in your life.

You should develop the sense of the relativity of things so that you can always step back and look. Then you can easily remain undisturbed and wait for the right answer. Only then you will know what to do in a particular situation.

If you look inward, you will see there are many contradictory desires. One part wants things this way, another wants things that way. This part want something and immediately another part says no.

It is only by observing these opposite movements with great care we can bring a natural order in our life. Just by observation of these opposite velocities you get rid of them, then you are not part of them. You don't get identified with them. You move on upper level from where you can see things much clearly.

Clarity is important to get free from the chaos. Clarity is not a virtue which you can bring in your life through practice and hard work. You can not bring this clarity in your life through some technique. It comes when you watch your mind without having any opinion. Then you don't condemn the chaos, rather you try to understand it. You carefully observe it.

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