Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is the best way to stop smoking?

The best way to stop any addiction, whether it is smoking or drinking is to stop it instantly and never look back again. You can not quit any addiction step by step because meantime you remain the same. Try to understand this. Even if you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke everyday, you are still an addict and any moment you may loose the control and you will increase the number of cigarettes.

So the best way is always simple, effective and quick. It is very straightforward. It is popular belief that you need a strong will power to quit smoke. No sir, this is not true.You need will power only to keep fighting with something.Here you are not going to fight rather you are going to quit. Understand the basic thing. You are not going to fight with the bad habit rather you are going to quit. And you can quit anything within a moment.

It is your own mind. So you don't have to fight with your own mind. Fighting with your one mind is stupidity but most people are engaged in this kind of fighting for their whole life. They fight with sex, they fight with anger, they fight with fear and it is their own mind. One part is creating anger and another part is fighting with it. So if you can not quit smoking then at least don't condemn it. Because one part of your mind loves to smoke. If one part loves to smoke then love it whole heartedly. This is the first step. If you love something whole heartedly only then you will be able to quit it whole heartedly. Mind should not be divided into parts. It should be integrated.

Look at your mind. One part is pulling here and another part is pulling there. No, this should not happen. Either love cigarette or quit it. There is no middle way. If you love to smoke then it is not a problem. Then you can die for it. If you hate cigarette then also there is no problem, you can quit it.

Anyway, I have studied many people and noticed that once someone make his mind to quit he can immediately quit. Cigarettes are not humans they are just things. They do not hold you, you hold them. Smoke is a smoke it is not addictive. Many people believe that they are dependent on nicotine but this is not true. It is just an excuse. Your body does not need nicotine. Some people think that they will feel lonely or they will get mentally disturbed. No this is also not true. If you expect that you will get mentally disturbed or you really need cigarettes then only your mind will feel that way.

If you don't expect negative results then it will not happen to you. It is not reality but your expectations make you feel disturbed. You will forget smoking easily within three days. And if you remain a nonsmoker for one month then it will not bother you again.

To quit smoking is really easy but you make it difficult. Remember simple, effective and quick strategy always work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to stop my mind instantly?

You see, many times the flow of thoughts is so powerful and fast that you find it very difficult to stop it. You find it very difficult to get relax. Then your so called techniques also does not work. Suppose if you close your eyes and start watching your breath then you will get irritate. The more you try to focus on the breath more you get distracted by the thoughts. Sometimes mind becomes very uncontrollable and powerful.

In this kind of situation just close yourself in the room and keep your eyes open. Stand in the middle of the room. Look around in 360 degree and observe the walls. You are enclosed in the room and all around you there is a wall. This is your reality. Then look down at the floor, feel the weight of your body on the floor. Feel your abdomen, come up feel your breathing, just for a moment. Don't try to focus on anything, because focusing is the problem in this kind of situation. Just roll your eyes and look at the top of your head, at the roof. This is your reality.

Reality means you can see it, you can touch it, you can feel it. Stay with reality. Again repeat the cycle. Look at the walls, don't go outside of the room. Just be in the room. If mind wanders here and there, just bring it to the reality, bring it back into the room. Tell your mind to do anything it wants but you stay in the room. Feel your body, look at the walls, look at the floor, feel the weight of your body, feel your abdomen, feel your breathing, look at the roof and feel the reality. Stay with the reality. Be rooted in the reality and let the mind wander anywhere. Keep touch with the reality.

You will find that the mind will get calm and relax in few moments. You can also do this experiment while walking on the road. Be in touch with the reality, look at people, look at the sky, feel the earth, feel your breathing, feel the movements of you body, again repeat the cycle. There is no need to focus on a particular thing or a problem. Just feel yourself in the moment and the mind will disappear in the thin air.

When you are connected with the reality the mind can not exist. All your tensions and worries can happen only in a trance like state, in a dreamy state. You can not live in a dream like state when you try to be in touch with reality. If you do this consistently while doing any activity then you will automatically remain in a no- mind state. Then you will look at everything, every situation with equanimity. Then there will be no tensions and worries in your life.

Whenever your mind get disturbed, know that you have lost the touch with the reality. Again touch the wall, feel the floor, feel you breathing, look around and get connected with the reality. And within few moments you will wake up from a dreamlike state of mind which was bothering you. You can do this anywhere. Nobody will notice it.

When you are angry your voice will raise, look at your voice and it will come down. When you get anxious and panic just look at your breathing and it is shallow, just note this and you will automatically breath deeply. Just try this in every situation and see what happens. You will learn how to control your mind smoothly and effortlessly.

To learn more about this technique visit:

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Why there is chaos in my life?

There are many contradictory forces working simultaneously in the being, pushing you here and there in opposite directions and that's why there is chaos in life. If you are little aware of the cause of your movements then you will be able to see them.

Suppose if you do something and you feel somewhere it is immoral, it is not ethical then your mind may become little uneasy, you will feel uncomfortable but the other part of the mind will come forward with an encouraging and flattering reason to justify yourself.

The people who live on the surface of their being are obviously exposed to the external influences. They are not familiar to stepping back. They don't know how to go deep within. The only place where you will be safe from external contradictory influences is deep within.

One should learn to always keep composure and always keep peace. One should resist all temptation to lose it. You should never decide anything without consulting your innermost being. Always consult with your inner being before you enter into action and you will never regrate again. Then there will be no contradictions in your life.

You should develop the sense of the relativity of things so that you can always step back and look. Then you can easily remain undisturbed and wait for the right answer. Only then you will know what to do in a particular situation.

If you look inward, you will see there are many contradictory desires. One part wants things this way, another wants things that way. This part want something and immediately another part says no.

It is only by observing these opposite movements with great care we can bring a natural order in our life. Just by observation of these opposite velocities you get rid of them, then you are not part of them. You don't get identified with them. You move on upper level from where you can see things much clearly.

Clarity is important to get free from the chaos. Clarity is not a virtue which you can bring in your life through practice and hard work. You can not bring this clarity in your life through some technique. It comes when you watch your mind without having any opinion. Then you don't condemn the chaos, rather you try to understand it. You carefully observe it.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

How to get free from depression?

There is just one thing that we have forgotten: how to laugh. We have simply forgotten the language of laughter, that's all. We have to learn it again, that's all. I believe no treatment is needed. One is overpowered by depression only when one keeps the consciousness in the lower level, on the very superficial level. If you are living too much on superficial level of consciousness then you are going to affected by all kind of madness.

Superficial layers of consciousness are always disturbed. But most of the humanity choose to live on the superficial level. There are ups and downs and waves on the surface. As you move towards the center, deeper and deeper there are no waves.  

If you get out of the superficial level and enter into deeper levels of consciousness or you may call it deeper awareness or higher mind then better thoughts have the power to influence, to drive away depression. Even when you reach just the highest fields of thoughts you will find depression vanish immediately into thin air.

To surrender to depression when things go wrong is the wrong way to face the depression. There must be some desire within you to overcome depression. Only this desire can revolt against the depression.  

To drive away the depression, don't feel antagonistic towards it, neither friendly nor opposed. Just take a simple note, as if it has nothing to do with you, "This is depression" and remain intact, remain untouched. There is no need to get influenced by it. Just remain watchful and alert. Just take a note, don't get depressed because of depression, just take a not, "This is depression" That's all you need to do. You will not believe, because you have learned to believe in complicated things, technical things. So it is very difficult to believe that just by noticing or taking a note your depression can vanish.

If it returns back then just take the note, "It is back", and it will go again.

Remember you are a watcher on the hill. You don't need to get identified with every emotion or thought. If you get identified with everything that is going into the mind then you will get mad. Then you will become a slave.You are not a slave, you are the master.

When you just take the note, you are not on the same level. You get detached. You created a distance from that thing which you call depression. Just take the note and leave the whole thing behind.

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How to control anger?

"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves. " ~Buddha

Once a man came to a master, and said that he is a very angry person. He told that he become really mad and he easily lose his control. He do stupid things. He can not believe later on that he can do such nonsense. So he requested to the master to guide him how to drop his anger, how to control it.

Master took the head of the man in his hands and looked into his eyes. The man became a little uneasy, and master said, "Where is that anger? I would like to see into it".

The man laughed uneasily and said, "Right now, I am not angry. Sometimes it happens."

So the master said, "That which happens sometimes cannot be your nature. It is an accident, It comes and goes like clouds,so why to be concerned so much about the clouds? Just think of the sky which is always there."

Anger comes and goes. But the sky remains there. It never comes and goes. There is a gap between two thoughts. It never comes or goes. The clouds of anger, fear, frustration comes and goes but the sky remains the same, untouched. 

Once a warrior came to a Zen master and asked "Is there such a thing as heaven and hell?
Master asked "Who are you?"
The warrior replied "I am chief samurai to the emperor."
The master said, "You, a samurai? With a face like that, you look more like a beggar."
At this the warrior became so angry he drew his sword.
Naturally he was a chief of samurai, his pride was hurt.He forgot for what he had come to the master and he drew his sword.
Standing calmly in front of him the master said,"Here open the gates of hell."
Perceiving the master's composure, the samurai enclosed his sword and bowed.
Master then said "And here open the gates of heaven."

Anger means your ego gets hurt. Ego is just an image which you build in years. It is a kind of hypnosis. It is not real. If you don't have any self image then you will never get hurt. Having a strong self image means having great possibility of getting hurt by others.

In above story you can see that the anger of samurai disappeared within a moment when the master said, "This is the door of hell." What happened in that moment? The samurai suddenly becomes alert. The moment he becomes alert he realizes why he come to the master and he bow and the master says, "This is the door of heaven". The doors of heaven and hell are very close to each other. A small mistake and you are in the hell. And a moment of alertness and within a fraction of second you are in the heaven.

To get free from anger you don't have to go through therapies and you don't have to waste your time and money on psycho analysis. Anger is like clouds, just try to look beyond the clouds. There is sky which is always there. It is your real nature.

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How to let go?

Sometimes there is something which you can not let go, which holds you tight and you want to let it go. At that moment if you can simply  imagine the vastness, the immensity of the grand design of the universe in time and space and this little event on which you are worried and concerned so much, you see, it will immediately vanish and disappear. It will lose it's importance.  Perhaps a little part of you will not let go of this event so easily, it may try to hold on, it may try to convince you that it has an importance.

Once you see the true value of things compare to the immensity of life then you can easily leave that part behind and move on, then you can keep your consciousness intact, as it is. Then it is very easy. There is an ancient technique in China, it says you to lie down upon events as if you are floating on your back upon the sea. Imagine the vastness of sea and let yourself go floating upon the waves.  When you compare your problems like this with immensity and vastness then all your personal problems are gone.

Visualize that little event in your hand and realize there were myriads and myriads of years before this present moment and there will be myriads and myriads of years after this moment and ask yourself what importance this little event has compare to eternity? In relation with space and time before and after that event it has not much importance.

Just lie down on your back and look at the night sky full of countless luminous stars, contemplate the sky and visualize yourself floating in that immensity of innumerable sparkling points. All your big problems will immediately lose their importance, they will become tiny. You just need to have the sense of relativity between the things which makes you worried and the universal immensity. 

We give too much importance to little things and they take root in the mind, once they take roots it become difficult to eliminate them and to let go. Ego does not want to let go things so easily. But once you see those things in the relation with immensity they have proper space in your life. Then they don't occupy your whole life.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to choose the right attitude in any situation?

In some situations there is a possibility of many choices. When you are puzzled you can not make a choice, for example whether to fight or remain calm in a particular situation. Both choices seems correct, so what one should do in this situation?

So the question is, what is the right attitude and how to find it in any situation? A right attitude is not a fixed attitude. Life is moving so you can not remain fix. You have to be dynamic and flexible yet you should not get confused between different choices. 

In my view the right attitude in every situation is to try to use that situation for growth and perfection. In each situation there is a suitable attitude which can serve you for the growth. There are different situations, in some situation you may want the calm and in another you may want force, in some situation you may want health and in some situation you may want courage.

When you are confused because you have to choose among two or four possible choices, results, decisions or views and you don't know what is right then you must contact your inner being. You should present your problem to the innermost core of your being and ask for the right choice or decision. 

To find the right attitude one should detach himself from superficial things and withdraw into an inner calmness and tranquility. From that inner space you will make the right decision. In each case there is a right choice and attitude which you can find in inner space. This is quite difficult art - to keep finding the right attitude and balancing yourself in multiple contradictory situations. But this is part of your spiritual journey.

Spirituality and physical life are not two separate things. Finding a balancing point in physical life is spirituality. You need to be very conscious to take the right way. You need to be very alert. Right attitude comes spontaneously when you take shelter in the inner being.

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What is the power of attitude?

Every moment life is throwing some challenge to us. My friends wife is fighting with Cancer. She take her pain as a challenge to increase her capacity to remain calm and watchful in extreme painful situation. Her husband take the same situation to remain alert and watchful in extremely sad situation. He is using this situation not to lose emotional control in worst situation. They are using this situation for their spiritual growth.

Normally when people come to know that they have some life threatening disease or they have very less time they get depressed, they get angry towards life and god. Every situation is either a stepping stone or a hurdle on your path. You have to learn how to keep composure and how to find the balance in so called adverse situations. In any situation you can find your center and stay calm and relax.

Things in themselves are truly nigher good nor bad. On your journey to know yourself there comes a state in which you realize that the effect of circumstances on ourselves depends entirely upon our attitude to these circumstances.

If we keep positive attitude, we can look at things as learning experiences which could make us stronger or an opportunities to become more conscious and alert. But you can also look at the same thing or event as a blow from fate, misfortune or bad luck.

If you look at the things as misfortune or bad luck then you will feel down, you will feel depressed. Then life will become miserable. You are the master of circumstances because you can change the meaning of any situation just by having an attitude towards it. Your attitude can change situations and your life.

I read somewhere about Bruce Lee, in 1970 his back get severely injured because he didn't warm up properly during one of his weight-training routines. The doctors suggested him to rest in bed. They to forget kung fu because he would never kick again. To someone whose life is nothing but kung fu this would be a devastating blow. But see the power of attitude, in those six months he wrote furiously, penning down his own thoughts and methods of the martial arts which he loved so much. You will not believe that in those six months he had written eight, two-inch volumes of notes. After those six months, slowly he started his workout again.

In every great human effort there will be always an abundance of adverse obstructions, interventions and critical states of affairs which have to be conquered. If you give too much importance to your so called misfortunes then their power will get multiply. Instead just ask these questions, "How can I overcome this hurdle", "How can I use this situation?", "What can I learn from this?", "How can this adversity make me more stronger?", "How can I use this time?"

Answers are within you. You can turn any situation in your favor just by changing your attitude. This is what real intelligence is. Use every situation, use every adversity, don't resist but redirect the force of misfortune in new direction. In the movie 'The karate kid' Jakie Chan says, "Everything is kung fu!".

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Why we want to take revenge?

Somebody hurt me and I want to take revenge, I want to balance his act by teaching him a lesson. History of humanity is full of revenges and wars. Everybody takes revenge at some point in life. We are like a button which can be pushed by anyone and we burst into anger and violence. It is conditioned deeply into the human brain, it is  a mechanical response. It is a survival instinct. Is it necessary? Is it necessary to hurt someone back who hurt you? Does it proves that you are stronger?

We have also taught by religions that we should forgive. Mind gets confused. If you react then you feel guilty and if you forgive you feel week. But if you really look into the problem deeply then most probably you will not strike back, because the person who hurt you is not intelligent. He is unconscious. He is behaving like a stupid. To react mechanically to his stupid act is also stupidity.

If you see this deeply then you will not react back, you will not take revenge and you will not forgive the person. You will simply stop from behaving like a stupid. To react back or to forgive both are mechanical responses. To look into the things deeply is intelligence. When you act through intelligence there is no conflict. Then you are not confused whether I should forgive this man or take revenge. You just see that he behaved like a silly and you move on.

When there is a desire to take revenge then the other person is pushing your button, then you are not master. You are his slave. Sometimes we think if I don't teach this person a lesson then people will think that I'm a weak man, I don't have confidence. I have to prove that I'm a confident man. I'm a strong man. Now not only this man who hurt you is pushing your button but the whole society is pushing your button. Don't behave like a slave. Think, look wisely into the matter and then act.

We never forgive anyone whole heatedly. If we could forgive people whole heatedly then there is no problem. Then you are a saint. But if you are not a saint then use your intelligence. Don't act like a robot. To take revenge is a survival instinct but there are many things which are more valuable in life. If you use your intelligence and have patience before reacting mechanically then you will save much energy and you will never regrate in life.

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What makes us fear death?

Have you ever noticed that trees, birds and animals never lives in fear of death. It is only us, human beings live in fear of death. They never think about death, they are not concerned at all. They live in the moment. They have no attachments and they have no possessions to lose. If death comes they get finished.

The basic reason to fear death is to lose the known. We feel afraid of death not because of ending or getting finished but losing the known. We feel afraid to lose our accumulations, our possessions, our learning, our memories, our knowledge. We carry this with ourselves all the time. This is our identity. This is our ego and self image. I'm this and I'm that. This me or this ego is afraid of dying. The self image you build in years is afraid of getting finished.

What will happen if you don't build a self image of yourself? What will happen if you never get attached to people and concepts? Many of us think that love means attachment. When I ask this question people reply, "I'm attached to my wife, my children and my family and this is what love is". Is this love? You get identified with your country and kill people, is this love? Does love and hate goes together? Suppose you love your wife and one day you come to know that she is making love with your neighbor then will you love her same as you loved her before? If not then this is not love.

Anyway love is not attachment. If there is love then there will be no fear of ending. If you love people, if you love parents, if you love yourself then you will never feel afraid of ending. Because when you love there is no ego. Love and ego can never go together. And remember only ego is afraid of ending. Love has no ego. A loving and kind heart is never afraid of death.

Before ending if you let go of the known, if you let go of the attachments, if you let go of the past then there will be no fear of death. Because you let go of those things which death is going to snatch from you. You can love, you can earn, you can live lavishly, you can enjoy life as you wish but at the same time you need to be detached like birds and trees. Only then there will be no fear of death. You can not avoid death but you can avoid the fear of death. One day it is going to happen but you should learn not to get paralyzed because of fear.

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Do you hate yourself?

Many of us hate when they could not perform well in sports or examinations. Why we hate ourselves when we can not achieve something in life. Because we have some ideals, if we achieve those ideals our ego gets fulfilled.We look at people and society for gratification. If people reward you for achieving your ideals then you feel better. We believe that if we don't have ideals then we will become worthless, we will lose the vision. First we set the goal and then we run after the goal. If we achieve that goal we feel good otherwise we become depressed.

When we set ideals and goal they become our life. Then present moment has no value only the future becomes more important. We feel empty inside till we achieve our goal. And when we reach our goal that goal lose its significance and importance. Then something other becomes more important. This is vicious circle. We are not satisfied with what we are. We always trying to become something different. Then imitation becomes more important than the real thing.

Can we live without ideals? Have you ever thought this? Why you are afraid to be what you are? Why give more importance to 'what should be'? Suppose you don't like study or sports then why don't you live with that reality and why don't you accept this fact. If you accept this fact then something totally different will happen in your life. Then new doors will open. Then you will find and do what you really love. When you do what you really love then you don't pay attention to public opinion. Then you don't look at society for approval. Then you don't have any ideal in your life. Then you are relaxed. When you are relaxed and you do what you really love then you become more creative.

To find out what you love to do is more important then to set goals and ideals and then to chase them. These ideals are not your hearts desire or longing. That's why even if you achieve that ideals you will feel empty inside even after you achieve them. When you become what you are then there is beauty and grace.After reading this post find out that extraordinary thing in which you will lose the track of time.

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How to become intelligent?

What happens when you try to become intelligent? Do you know what it means to be intelligent? Many people assume that if they acquire knowledge they will become more intelligent. Is that so? people read thousands of books and in critical situations behave like a stupid. Do you know why? because they are still stupid, deep down stupidity remains. It will not go just by acquiring more knowledge.

Many people assume that intelligence has some formula and they try to modify themselves according to that formula. Do you think that intelligence is some formula or pattern? Intelligence is not an idea. It is a capacity to look into your stupidity.

If people say that I'm stupid then what shall I do? First of all I should observe that stupidity. I should try to understand that stupidity and that understanding itself is intelligence. Intelligence means ability to look at things without judgements, opinions and prejudices. It is not a pattern or formula. It is watchfulness.

When you are alert and watchful you can not make mistakes. Then you will not behave like a stupid. If you are alert while speaking then you will not talk like a foolish. Then your body-language will be proper. Then your voice tone will have a different quality. Then your presence will have grace and beauty. This grace or beauty is spontaneous. It is not forced. Intelligence is fragrance of being alert and conscious. A cunning and calculated mind is not intelligent. If someone get rich or famous by using his cunning and calculative mind then we believe that he is an intelligent man, he is genius. But is is not so. An intelligent man is kind, loving and compassionate. Selfishness and intelligence can not go together.

So the problem is not how to become intelligent but how to become free from the stupidity. To become free from stupidity we should become more alert and aware. We should observe our daily activities and we should observe our reactions and mind. We should have a look at our foolish beliefs and we should observe how we follow authorities, politicians, stupid gurus and their so called techniques. In that seeing itself you will become free. 

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Should I have an opinion about others?

Most of us has a habit to judge people, to have good or bad opinions about others. We put people in different categories. We can not accept the person as he is. We think we should put a label on him to understand him. We form ideas about people like, "He is cunning", "He is manipulative", "He is bad", He is orthodox" etc. And our ideas about that person are more important to us than the real person.

Once we form an idea about a person we can not understand him. Because our idea about that person is static but that person is dynamic. He is constantly changing. And we can not judge a person because what he did in a particular situation, whether it is right or wrong, we can not decide.

It is very important to look at people or situations with a fresh mind because things are changing. People are changing, situations are changing. It is a great mistake to have fixed opinions about others. But it gives a kind of pleasure to our ego. Our ego get pleasure by criticizing and labeling others. Ego wants to show people down, to dominate others. Ego wants to feel superior then others.

When you say that, "I know this person" then it is not the truth. You know that person up to certain point. You don't know everything about him. You must understand this. Even if you are living with a person for many many years then also you don't know everything about that person. You know only few things. What he do behind you or how he behave when he is alone you don't know.

Perhaps you lave your father and he is very kind and loving with you but you don't know how he behaves with his juniors in the office and what is the opinion of his boss about him. So your opinion is only a partial truth about someone. You must understand that you can never have total knowledge about someone so your opinion have no validity at all. 

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Why we need a companion?

Most of us are afraid to live alone. We feel comfortable with a partner, a spouse or with a family. A lonely person may get mad. We want to get engaged in something so that we could redirect our mind somewhere else. We need complicated problems so that our brains can remain busy.

To live alone and peacefully requires a very sharp intelligence. To find god or truth you need freedom. If your whole energy is engaged in feeding your family and growing your children then you don’t have energy to concentrate on yourself and to find the truth. Aloneness is basic requirement for a serious seeker.

Yes you can meditate while living with your companion or raising your family but still it is very difficult. It is good to have a nice companion, a wife and children most of us get lost in all that mess. Have you ever sit silently at a park or walked alone silently on a road?

Just observe your thoughts chasing each other and you will know the extraordinary beauty of the mind. Most of the time we try to suppress our thoughts and emotions but look what happens when you don't suppress them and when you let them flourish.

Watch clouds and trees, watch birds. Look at the eternity which is surrounded to you this moment and feel the extraordinary richness of being alive then having a companion will become a secondary thing in your life. And most important thing is that you will learn to love yourself and enjoy your company. 

Finding a companion because we can not live alone is actually fear, it is running from yourself. Then you are escaping from yourself. But once you learn to love and to live with yourself then having a companion will be totally different thing. Then you want a companion to share your happiness not for running from yourself. If you enjoy your company then everyone will enjoy your company.

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How can the mind go beyond obstructions?

Have you ever watched your mind? Do you ever look inside your mind and see actually what is going on there? If you are alert and watchful and look inside your mind time to time then you will definitely know and understand the limitations and obstructions.

Without understanding a particular limitation we cannot go beyond it. Willpower is not the real answer. Do you know many people quit hundreds of time in their life. Now what is happening here? They are using their will power and not their understanding. If your kids are not listening to you then you use power, you try to dominate them. You pressurize them but it does not work. They will revolt, if not now then someday in the future. So we must understand the problem and this is the first step to go beyond any obstruction.

Answer is hidden in the question itself. It is not far away. Solution is hidden in the problem but one should know how to look at the problem without any prejudice. We never say here is a limitation, here is a problem in my life and I want to understand it. We rush for an instant solution. And I think this is the basic problem. We seek answers from others, we seek answers from books and authorities. We never look at our problems, we just want to get rid of them and then instant solutions become our real problems.

To understand any problem we have to look at them without any prejudice. We should never condemn them. We should not say this is right and this is wrong. You should just observe it without having any opinion or expectation. When you expect a solution you already moved into the future. Suppose you want to understand your child then there must be no condemnation. You just have to watch him in different moods. If you say he is good or bad then your mind is prejudiced. Then you will look at him through the wall of your personal opinions. You will not see him as he is. You will see him as you want to see him.

The same way you have to learn to look at your limitations, problems and obstacles - without any opinion, condemnation. Then you can easily go beyond your limitations.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why do we seek fame?

Just ask this question to yourself, why do we seek fame? Everybody wants to be famous as a film-star, as a model, as a politician, as a pop singer or an artist. What is the reason behind this desire? Have you ever thought about it?

The main reason of the desire to become famous is that we don't love what we do. If you really love to do something then we don't bother whether we become famous or not for doing this. We just do it and we enjoy what we do because we love what we do. It comes from our heart. It is like a song. We feel happy when we love what we do and we just forget ourselves in that activity. We lose the track of time. Then there is no sense of time. Then you are satisfied with what you do and who you are.

If we find our passion then we don't care about people and we don't try to attract their attention.

Want to be famous is very superficial desire. It is a sign of immaturity. And it will never get satisfied. Even if million people know you you will feel unsatisfied. There are many celebrities like Curt Cobain who committed suicide. Even-though they were world famous they feel empty inside.  

If you love your work then you will be happy to work anonymously.It is our ego who wants to be famous. We are not rich inside our heart so we want to fill that gap and emptiness by fame. If you are rich and fulfilled in your heart then you will not desire to appear in newspapers.

Our society and education system teach children to love success. We teach them competition. Hence there is so much tension and stress. Boys don't want to do what they really love rather they what to do which will make them quickly famous. This is the great tragedy of new generation.

Being just a creative human being and living anonymously has its own beauty and richness.

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